Saturday, July 23, 2011

More Right Wing Empathy

Via Warren Kinsella, Michael Coren says, well, I will just quote him verbatim:
Tragic irony. The teenagers at the socialist youth camp on the Norwegian island who were victims of terror had just demanded that Israel remove the separation fence – the wall – that has saved any number of innocent, Jewish children from Islamic terror gangs. They also condemned Israel for, well, pretty much everything, and showed no empathy at all for Jewish suffering, and the experience of living with terrorism for more than sixty years. So sad, but so typical.
So, is he saying that since these kids disagreed with Likud, they had to be massacred to learn a lesson? Maybe they have had the do gooding socialist shot out of them. Very nice.
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  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Do people really listen to this guy? I only ever watched his show once for about five minutes.

  2. They did show empathy with the experience of living with terrorism for more than sixty years. It's just that they showed empathy with the wrong victims.
